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UBS names new head of wealth management for Asia Pacific
UBS has named Edmund Koh as head of UBS wealth management Asia Pacific, effective January 1 2016.
The Asset 25 Nov 2015
UBS has named Edmund Koh as head of UBS wealth management Asia Pacific, effective January 1 2016.
Koh is currently head of UBS wealth management Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific hub, which covers the domestic businesses of China, Taiwan and Japan.
Koh, who is also a member of the UBS global wealth management executive board and country head of UBS Singapore, joined UBS in early 2012 following over 20 years in the Asian financial services industry where he had built a strong track record in leading and building successful businesses.
Prior to joining UBS, Koh was president and director of Ta Chong Bank and before that was managing director and regional head of the consumer banking group at DBS Bank.

He takes over from Kathryn Shih, who has been named president of UBS Asia Pacific.  

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